Frequently Asked Questions

What are my options to buy a Bamberoo?

Custom carriers are made of your material to your specifications. 

Semi customs are available in the Etsy store, they are custom made of instock Girasol wraps to your size with the details you choose. 

How can I get a custom spot?

Customs spots are listed the first day of each month in the Etsy store. Occasionally Fast Track spots are listed at the same place for customers who has the material on hand and ready to send it right away.

All listings are announced on the Bamberoo Facebook page a few days in advance. A number of spots are available through the Bamberoo Love Facebook page as well. It’s always worth to follow both pages, you never know when the spot fairy spots you!

Bamberoo Facebook page;

Bamberoo Love chatter page on Facebook

What is the turnaround time?

Counting from the time I have the material and all details together, approximately 3 weeks. It always depends on my current workload at the time. It can be shorter, but on some occasion more wraps reach me at the same time and I need more time to complete the orders on the end of the line. It’s hard to balance the flow of wraps! 

How much does it cost?

The custom carriers start at $245.00. That includes custom body size, strap length, straight top, hood, leg padding. Some details are extra, like drool pads, combo waist, curved top, C&C, chevron cut, design on the hood…etc

Who makes my carrier?

Your carrier will be sewn by me, my name is Edit, located in sunny Las Vegas, NV. 

I started making hip and Meh Dai- then Mei Tai- carriers when my first baby was tiny, in 2003. I couldn’t be as efficient  without my husband’s help, who takes care of things I used to do and does most of the shipping, cutting/sealing  webbing, cutting elastics, foam and fix my machinery.

How do I wash my carrier?

Machine wash on cold, separately on gentle cycle with mild detergent. Remove the carrier from the washing machine as soon as the cycle is done. Mesh bag is recommended to avoid tangling, twisting of the straps. 

Do not bleach or dry clean. Spot clean with a cloth or sponge between machine washings. 

Drip dry only, do not use a dryer. 

Do not iron the webbing and tags, use warm iron on the fabric materials only.

Check to assure all fabrics, buckles, snaps, straps and adjustments are intact and discontinue to use if it’s damaged.

In case your custom carrier is made of wool or silk, please follow washing instructions of those fibers very closely.